Air It Out.

teen art exhibition

For 14 weeks in the Spring of 2017, a group of local teenagers and adults came together for 3 hours each week to share a meal, meet an artist, create something, and trade stories -- AIR IT OUT!

By connecting the group to local artists, makers and educators, students explored a wide range of creative mediums, including screen printing, drip painting, string gardens, music production, chemistry, photography, and creative writing. The gropu also had the opportunity to to visit several art galleries and attend local art openings.

The AIR IT OUT exhibition and party was the culmination of a semester's work but also the launching pad for young minds.

link to Air It Out teen art exhibition


Thank you FAISAL ABDU'ALLAH and the many other artists, educators and activists who have made this exhibit possible, including:

Carlos Gacharna
Carlee Smith
Abi Ross
Rob Dz
Devin Hamilton
Sydney Parsons
Noah Huber
Adam Villegas
Eli Lynch
Bradley Thomas
Miriam Coker
Ashley Robertson
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Sweet Tea Restaurant
UW Arts Institute
Art In

The Art

link to song "Play it safe"
14 weeks

Black Light Chalk

During Week 4, Air It Out project leader, Carlos Gacharna, led the group through a chemistry workshop creating blacklight chalk and then making designs.

picture of group learning about the chemistry of light
picture of black light reacting with jar of chemicals
picture of chemical mixture during black light workshop with Carlos Gacharna
picture of chalk poured into mold during black light workshop with Carlos Gacharna
picture of chalk after hardening during black light workshop with Carlos Gacharna
picture of group working during Carlos Gacharna's black light chalk workshop
picture of group drawing during Carlos Gacharna's black light chalk workshop
picture of teen dancing in front of black light chalk installation at Air It Out teen art exhibit



String Gardens

For week 12, local agricultural artist, Devon Hamilton, led the group through the creation of string gardens. Flowers, plants, food -- just hanging around and looking pretty.

WATCH: UW-Madison short documentary on Making Justice
picture of teens making String Gardens during 15-week semester of Air It Out
picture of teens making String Gardens during 15-week semester of Air It Out
picture of teens making String Gardens during 15-week semester of Air It Out
string gardens on exhibition at the Air It Out teen art show
string gardens on exhibition at the Air It Out teen art show




For week 10, local painter, Ashley Robertson, led the group through the adventure of drip painting. Messy, experimental, fun!

picture of teens creating drip paintings during Air It Out semester of art
picture of teens creating drip paintings during Air It Out semester of art
picture of teens creating drip paintings during Air It Out semester of art
picture of teens creating drip paintings during Air It Out semester of art
picture of teens creating drip paintings during Air It Out semester of art
picture of teens creating drip paintings during Air It Out semester of art
picture of teens creating drip paintings during Air It Out semester of art
picture of teens creating drip paintings during Air It Out semester of art
picture of someone viewing drip paintings at Air It Out teen art exhibition
picture of teen viewing drip paintings at Air It Out teen art exhibition



Screen Printing

During weeks 5 and 6, local artists, Adam Villegas, Sydney Parsons and Noah Huber, joined Air It Out group leader, Faisal Abdu'allah to lead the group through the many stages of screen printing.

picture of teens learning how to screen print during 15-week Air It Out semester
picture of teens screen printing during 15-week Air It Out semester
picture of teens screen printing during 15-week Air It Out semester
picture of teens screen printing during 15-week Air It Out semester
picture of teens screen printing during 15-week Air It Out semester
picture of screen printed shirts on display at Air It Out teen art exhibition
picture of people enjoying the party next to screen print exhibit
picture of Air It Out screen used to print shirts at the exhibition party

@Art In

Exhibition and Party

The AIR IT OUT teen art exhibition and party went down at Art In on Madison's east side. Family, friends and neighbors celebrated the culmination of the semester-long project with a night of art, food, music, dancing, screen printing and a few great speeches.

flyer invite for Air It Out teen art exhibition
picture of people signing in at the Air It Out exhibition
picture of Air It Out crew eating
picture of teens viewing the string garden display
picture of teen screen printing at the Air It Out teen art exhibition party
picture of screen printing tee shirts
picture of teens playing darts at Air It Out teen art exhibition party
picture of teen playing pool at Air It Out teen art exhibition party
picture of teens posing at Air It Out teen art exhibition party
picture of DJ performing at Air It Out teen art exhibition party
DJ Huizit
picture of Kids These Days rap performance
Kids These Days (Otto & Mike)
picture of Kids These Days rap performance
Kids These Days (Soup & Worhty)
picture of Kids These Days rap performance
Kids These Days (Soodo & The Pro)
picture of Faisal Abdu'Allah speaking to the crowd about the growth of each individual over the 14-week semester
picture of the crowd at Air It Out teen art exhibition party